
Andrew Pitchford

Getting Married – Flying on the Trapeze

Today many couples say that they want to ‘try out’ the relationship first before getting married. Their rationale is that by living together they want to ‘try before they buy’ so they don’t make the mistake of marrying the wrong person.

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Andrew Pitchford

Movie Review: Immortals

From start to finish whether up close in the fight or the expansive view of lands, sky and ocean, we can say that Immortals magnetically draws the eye.

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Andrew Pitchford

Pushed Around but Not Over

I can still remember the day five ‘hoods’ ganged up on me as I was walking home. At around 8000 people, Te Awamutu wasn’t a big town but like any place on the face of the planet it had its ‘bad element’. It still astounds me because I had walked those streets at all times of the day and night and really hadn’t felt unsafe or in danger. Sadly on that day, a Saturday afternoon around 2pm, I became a target. No one likes to be bullied and a bully is a coward but what happens when there’s more than one?

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